
Why Your Elastic Bracelet Breaks and How to Prevent it From Happening Again

Why Your Elastic Bracelet Breaks and How to Prevent it From Happening Again 

by Jessica B. Hensley, Author of The Sketchwriterjess Blog and owner of the shop newsletter for her business JBHensleySWJ

You’ve Finished your bracelet, you’ve given them to friends and sold them to more friends and then one day, one of your friends writes to tell you that the elastic bracelet you made for her broke and beads flew everywhere, at her favorite restaurant!

Embarrassing for her and for you as a maker, it can be tough to get over the fear of this happening again and again.

Here are a few reasons this happens:

- The Knots Are not tied tight enough, the wrong knots are used, and there is no glue to hold them together.

- The elastic cord size is not correct and the beads are too heavy, so the bracelet breaks apart.

- One large knot is used to tie the bracelet ends together. This puts so much weight on the strand that with wear, the strand will rub against the beads too many times and it will break.

So, what is the solution to this problem?

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