
"Loyalty Questioned" Tarot Mental Health Monday

Should one be loyal to someone who is not feeling the same way as they are when it comes to relationships? Get your journals out. It's time to stretch out your creative writing muscles.

"Desperately Seeking Union" Tarot Star-Crossed Sunday Twin Flames

Film about Star-crossed lovers searching for someone who can give them what each other is lacking. Family Matters and Baggage are discussed. Get your journal out and write along with me. : ).

Twin Flame Tarot Spread Writing Prompt: “In the Eye of the Storm”

Twin Flame Tarot Spread: “In the Eye of the Storm”

The Twin Flame Tarot Spread consists of a masculine side, a feminine side, and an underlying theme card that sheds light on the situation. The masculine and feminine sides each have a past, present, and future starting from the bottom up on each side. The theme card is from the bottom of the deck and sits above the masculine and feminine spreads.

This spread allows people to see how the masculine feels and how the feminine feels and why they are together or separated. The theme card is important to this spread because it joins the two halves of the soul together, though it could be two souls as well. There is some debate on that.

"Smiling with Tears in My Eyes" Oracle Cards Talk Thursday

Hi Everyone, This is my favorite video I've filmed so far. Full of wisdom and humor drawn from life lessons in relationships, this is a must watch for any woman who keeps attracting unavailable men.

I don't film on Fridays and Saturdays, but will have a blog post of one of my readings on my Blog on Saturday. I start filming again Sunday.

Watch the other videos as well, they have great wisdom and wackiness too.

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