
A Sense of Place: Twin Flame Union Tarot Reading

Here is the video with the reading:

A Sense of Place: Twin Flame Union Tarot Reading

I’ve made a spread of eleven cards, as 11:11 is the symbol for Twin Flames. One couple is covered in each Twin Flame Spread that I do. There is a masculine part on the right side, a feminine part on the left side and the theme is in the middle from top to bottom represented by the card on the bottom of the deck and the oracle cards. The terms masculine and feminine are used at the beginning to establish that this relationship can be same sex or opposite sex, then man and woman are used for ease of writing and reading. This blog post contains a whole reading just like I offer in my shop. Also I call on Angel Uriel and my guides Mombasa, Chuck, and Cal to do the reading. This work is fictional and is intended for entertainment only. Here it is...

For the masculine: With the Nine of Wands, Seven of Swords, and Two of Cups Reversed, key words are, delay, suspension, attempt, wish, hope, misunderstanding, and madness.

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