
Following Intention on an Idea, Tarot Reading 10.1.19

This Tarot Reading is good for anyone who is hesitating on following an idea they just came up with. Read on to learn more about how you can move ahead with your intention from your idea. 

Following Intention on an Idea, Tarot Reading 10.1.19 

Before we get started, may I invite you to check out these links below as they have information relevant to today's reading.

Coming up with Ideas Tarot Reading 9.29.19

New Moon in Libra Tarot Reading 9.28.19

And after this one check this link:

Honest Action Tips Tarot Reading 10.3.19

Now onto the reading...

Decks Used: Cosmic Tarot and Notes from the Universe Oracle

Crystals Used: Tiger’s Eye (Innovation), Citrine (Creativity)


Oracle: Sometimes the good is hidden.

Intention: Death, Eight of Cups Reversed.

I used three cards for this spread. Two Tarot cards and one Oracle card to round out the reading. Sometimes Oracles confirm the Tarot as it did here.

I asked Spirit what Scorpio’s Influence on people following through on Intention is. The crystals fell onto the Oracle Card next to the messages “It’s Always There.” and “Sherlock-ly yours.”

One fell on Death, on the Skeleton’s private area. And one fell on a cup on the Eight of Cups Card that is in Reverse.

Scorpio’s influence reminds us that our ideas come from deep within us. In order to follow the intention, we must understand our idea completely from the inside out. Also, we must not hesitate to follow our intention when we do understand where our idea comes from. With the Eight of Cups Reversed, the meaning is that perhaps a person who this resonates with is trying to figure out if their idea is good.

It doesn’t matter what other people think of your idea. What matters is that you know what your idea is and how you can reach people who feel the same way as you.

Think about the people in your past who were inspired by something you said. Understand that not only are they still out there, but that people just like them who are interested in your idea are out there too.

I have to admit, I find it funny that the crystal that fell on the Death card fell on the skeleton’s private area. However, if we think of Scorpio’s influence, we are exposing the most vulnerable parts of us this season, as it’s Libra Season. We want to connect to people in a way that makes them feel understood.

If you are nervous about following your intention, ask yourself why your idea resonates with you and the people of your past that were most supportive. Then set out a course for yourself to start taking actions on your intention.

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Take Care and Blessings.

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