
Meditation Music

Here is the place to find the meditation music I use for my Pick a Pile video.

Each song I use is 2:22 , that is two minutes and twenty-two seconds long.

In all of my blog posts that include the Pick a Pile Videos, each Pile picture in the blog post has a caption that tells you which song is used. If you like the song I use for the pile you choose, you can buy it here.

Each song is in a loop, just like in the video. Think of it like a chant. Either play it once or keep it on repeat for as long as you like to meet your meditative mood.

Below are the Blog Posts that show the Videos with the songs and readings in them. Click on them to watch the videos and listen to the music. Then if you like the song and want to receive it, then make the purchase to do so.
May my music bring you peace.

Endless Blessings.

Leo Season

All Meditation Release songs are $2.22

Meditation Release Take Charge Song 417 hz


Meditation Release Joy Song 417 hz


Meditation Release Lovesick Song 417 hz


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