
Angel Message Tarot Reading January 13, 2020

Hi everyone,

This is an Angel Message Reading in regards to Pluto and Saturn conjunct in Capricorn on January 13, 2020. This affects Capricorn Season and much more ahead…

This reading has 5 cards, three game pieces pulled and two crystals at the sides to create the spread.

Decks used:

Angel Prayers Oracle Deck by Kyle Gray

The Spirit Within Tarot by Steven Bright

Across the Universe Playing Cards by NASA

Angel Prayers shows what is on everyone's mind. The Spirit Within shows what symbols people are visualizing. Across the Universe by NASA shows who can benefit most from the message of the reading.

Dream Tarot Reading: Karmic Relationship Cycle, Talk of being a medium and ending karmic cycles

Hi everyone,

This reading is eye-opening. It's about someone who is questioning why they are in karmic relationships and why they are avoiding a relationship full of love and respect that they deserve.

Dream Tarot Reading "Paint It Black" 11.25.19

 He everyone,

The song "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones came into my head after recording my video. If this reading resonates, you may want to look it up.

This reading I channeled someone who was dreaming of the military, maybe even perhaps they were in the military.

Love Tarot Reading-Soulmate Reading- You're Just too Good to Be True 11.23.19

The Song in my head as I did this reading was:

"Can't take my eyes off of you" by Frankie Valli

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much

Those words only...

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