
Aries Moon Square Cancer Sun July 12-13(Moon Astrology, Tarotscope Reading, Spirituality)

Aries Moon Square Cancer Sun July 12-13(Moon Astrology, Tarotscope Reading, Spirituality)

This reading is good for you if your past with spiritual beliefs has been blocking you from believing in faith the way you would feel does right by yourself and the Universe.

This is a general reading, however it works best if you look at your natal chart to see where your signs lay. Take what resonates and if the message doesn't fit I know there are other messages that will. Let's get started!

Crystals used: Selenite and Clear Quartz

Ring: contains Freshwater Pearl and Hematite

Decks used:

Healing Light Tarot by Christopher Butler

Keepers of the Light Oracle by Kyle Gray

Across the Universe Playing Cards by NASA

The oracle card is El Morya, Awakening Presence.

The main influence card is The Hierophant Reversed

Cards that represent The placement Cancer and the Sun are the Four of Cups and The Sun.

Cards that Represent the placement of Aries Moon and the Moon are Four of Wands and The High Priestess.

Page of Pentacles Reversed represents the Aspect Square between Sun and Moon.

Influence in the 4th house of Cancer, Ace of Hearts(Cups) With a Galaxy Cluster full of color and large size.

The influence of aspect the Square, Six of Hearts(Cups) Reversed has a Supernova remnant in it. It's bright orange.

The influence in the 1st house of Aries, Queen of Clubs(Wands) has a Blue Pulsar thin in shape.

According to the Basic Astrology Chart, a general guide of Aries rising is Aries is the 1st house, Cancer is at the 4th House. And according to the placement of the planets in their signs it creates a 90 degree aspect of the Square. It is an aspect that shows a blockage in action.

Let's take a look at the oracle card and the main influence card. El Morya says "The Universe is with you. Wear a cloak of protection" In the meaning book there is writing about getting in touch with the divine connection you have to the Universe. It also speaks about El Morya and his fight for keeping the British fom invading India. With The Hierophant in Reverse, you may feel it's time to break with conventional dogma in your Spiritual Beliefs.

Next let's look at Sun and Moon Aspect cards. With The Sun in the last set of degrees in Cancer, shown by the Four of Cups, there is a feeling of being afraid that if you take the cup it could be filled with something bad. 

With the Aspect of the Square, shown by the Page of Pentacles reversed, You may be blocking a more positive thought from coming through as you continue to study something you are interested in and are thinking of getting into deeper, perhaps with Spirituality. 

With the Moon in Aries in the last degrees of it's house, shown by the Four of Wands, there is the potential for possible stability and freedom in your way of thinking.

Last, but not least, let's look at the Influences on the Sun and Moon Aspect. The Sun and Moon, shown by the Sun and the High Priestess are fixed, there is nothing hidden here. The Moon is shedding light on your life experience as is the sun. 

So for the Influence on Cancer Sun is the Ace of Hearts(Cups), this shows that the cup you are afraid to handle is full of love and support for what you are about to do. 

With the Moon in Aries and the Queen of Clubs(Wands), you've got a fire in your belly and feel like sharing your ideas with the world.

With Six of Hearts(Cups) in Reverse influencing the Square, the Past whether good or bad in your situation, is not the place to go to when you need to protect yourself. This will keep you from grabbing the cup of love that is yours just by being divinely connected to the Universe and showing the love you have to give back to people.

El Morya, "fire up your divine connection ( to the universe) and detach from dramas, people, places and emotions that no longer serve you." Line that stands out from Keepers of the Light meaning book.

Crystal Message: 

"The path to following your faith despite forces that oppose you is not easy. At times it will feel futile, as if you've wasted your time. However finding what gets you up in the morning and what helps you sleep peacefully at night is the key to doing right by the Universe".-El Morya

Here's a journal question for you:

How can you let go of any people, situations, or emotional patterns that keep you from going after what your heart says is for you to keep? How will you take your cup of love and keep it, then share from it with the Universe? 

Rising Sign Horoscopes for Aries Moon Square Cancer Sun below can be used for anytime this planetary occurrence happens or if this aspect is in your chart.

Aries: Spirituality for you may be about helping yourself understand yourself and find comfort in knowing yourself. Perhaps in knowing what moves you, you can help others find themselves too.

Taurus: Spirituality for you may be about understanding how material objects add to practicing your faith. Perhaps in knowing what objects move you to practice your faith, you can help people find creative ways to practice their faith too. 

Gemini: Spirituality for you may be about having everyday conversations with people you know who care about your daily life. Perhaps in knowing what kinds of subjects move you most, you can help people use conversation in a service oriented way. 

Cancer: Spirituality for you may be about finding pure comfort in practicing your faith. Perhaps in knowing how practicing faith makes you comfortable, you can share with people how to have conversations in their relationships and friendships.

Leo: Spirituality for you may be about finding a creative way to practice, such as making faith based art. Perhaps in knowing how to be creative in how you practice faith, you can teach people how creating art can help with transformation of life patterns. 

Virgo: Spirituality for you may be about finding a service oriented way to practice, such as doing charity work. In knowing what charity you like working for, you can help people make charity a part of their spiritual practice.

Libra: Spirituality for you may be about forming a partnership of some kind, could be romantic or business oriented. In knowing what kind of relationships to develop, you can help people make a career from their spiritual practice.

Scorpio: Spirituality for you may be about finding transformation from life experiences. Perhaps in knowing what has transformed your life you can help people have a greater understanding of the human condition.

Sagittarius: Spirituality for you may be about exploring multiple faiths and combining them to form your faith. In knowing this, you could help people let go of the things that don't serve them and use the things that do to practice their faith.

Capricorn: Spirituality for you may be about creating a method and using it to practice your faith because it works every time. In knowing this you can help people gain self-understanding for how they can customize their faith to suit themselves.

Aquarius: Spirituality for you may be about forming friendships and finding that humane treatment of animals is a part of your faith. Perhaps in knowing this you can help people take care of each other and animals on the planet for future generations to come.

Pisces: Spirituality for you may be about undoing any thought patterns that keep you trapped in being blocked in your faith. Perhaps in unlocking your thought patterns, you can help others communicate with each other on how to unlock their blockages in practicing of their faith

If you resonate with this reading, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. If you'd like to book a reading with me then please look at my "Astrology Tarotscopes Reading Page" for information on how to book a reading. Blessings 💛

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to reread this. Not quite with it today.


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