
Just Two Coupons Can Help You Save On A Month's Worth Of Groceries!

Just Two Coupons Can Help You Save On A Month's Worth of Groceries! 

by Jessica B. Hensley, Jess aka Sketchwriterjess for "Savings and Splurges"

All graphics are pictures I have taken and have varied the colors and shapes in a photo editing program. I hope I did justice to the brands in the photos. I love the brands discussed in this post and I wanted to infuse my artistic vibe into them...

If you are in a situation where you need to budget your money because if you don't you may not have much money buy anything at the end of the month. I have a solution that might just make budgeting a little easier to stick too.

For this week's post about how I saved and splurged, this time at the grocery store, I am writing about shopping with coupons.

Got Fired? Great!

Got Fired? Great! a pep-talk by Sketchwriterjess. 

Copyright 2017 Jessica B. Hensley

I got fired from an architectural firm in 2007. Ever since then I’ve found it difficult to stick to finishing projects I start. It’s a classic Bipolar symptom to go start many projects without finishing them. However, from talking to other Crafters, starting projects and ditching them is a universal habit.

What I’m about to tell you is my experience as to why I do this. Having bipolar disorder gives me insights into this habit that are off-track, yet being fired sent me off the tracks, what I am going to say is sensible despite how my firing happened. If you love music, like I do...

How To Make Thai Iced Tea Even If You Use Less Fat and Sugar

Need a refreshment? Look no further then this low fat, low sugar recipe for Thai Iced Tea.

This drink gets me through a night of blogging, and it is even a good refreshing drink to relax with too. This Thai Iced Tea drink is great for diabetics!

(In my opinion. This is an opinion by a Type 2 Diabetic. If you have concerns please ask your doctor before trying this drink. In fact, there is no reason why you can't use an artificial sweetener instead of sugar. However, I explain more as to why I use raw sugar in my post.)

The Three part solution to finish projects you start and put aside, for days, months, or even years!

Answer, by beating rejection.

There comes a time when a person lives the handmade life and asks herself “Why am I unable to finish the projects that I start?” 

I can tell you that I can go days, months, and even years before I finish a project. I do finish 1 in 5 projects, and have at least 20 plus to choose from. And that doesn’t include the new projects that I start at least once every 2 weeks.

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