
Using Tarot for Creative Writing: A Man Alone With His Thoughts

Using Tarot for Creative Writing: A Man Alone With His Thoughts

The Tarot Deck can be used to not only gain insight on a situation on your mind, Tarot can also be used to gain inspiration for you next piece of writing. 

Here I have used the Rider Tarot Deck for a Divine Inspiration Reading.

The Reading has four cards. The spread starts reading from the Right, then Left, then Center, and then the Theme card from at the Top that is on the bottom of the deck.

Is Love Banter and Honesty Near the Fire? Let’s Find Out Tonight!


In my search for love, I have turned up some deep questions in me as to why I fall in love and how it happens.

Why do we Search for Love?

Perhaps we want to form a bond with someone. A bond made from free will. Sometimes it seems fate steps in or we at least we want it to.

Turning 40? Hang Out at the Beach!

Today at 40, I was walking on the beach trying to find the bathroom and I ended up walking so far that I was out of breath. My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to die. I said, “Lord, I’m trying to do the right thing. I don’t want to drink to erase my pain now. I want the ocean to calm me down today, I can drink at dinner.” I pulled myself together and enjoyed the beach even though I had to pee like a race horse.

1 Tender Tip from Love at Bar Height

"Love at Bar Height", Charcoal Drawing by Jess aka Sketchwriterjess.

I’ve started letting go of feelings I had for someone a couple days ago. I was talking with a friend and she said,

 “Sometimes we meet people so we can grow. And in order to grow, we must go through pain.”

Just two years ago I would have flown off the handle if someone told me that. I have felt strong connections with men before. Most I had little to slight real life interaction, racking up unrequited love like checks with no balances. Spending my time lusting and trusting that at some point there would be love between me and my crush.

28 Creative Ways to Deal with Disappointment in love

Here is a picture I painted in time for my birthday. A landscape I made up in my mind. I painted my heart out on the page with Gouache Paint on Watercolor Paper. "In the Moment"

As a woman nearing my 40th Birthday on March 28 I think about how far I’ve come and how much farther I need to go in life. I have Bipolar Disorder and am stable. I’ve been on Medication since 2006 and can count on 10 fingers the amount of days I haven’t taken them. So naturally I thought, Hey, maybe I should try dating again. Don’t want to be single for the next 40 years.

A little background here, I haven’t dated in 8 years. The longest I dated a man was 2 weeks. And I’ve kissed men, but have not hooked up once.

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