
Why it’s best to use at least one journal to solve life problems.

Hi Sketchpoets,

Here is an article on why it’s best to use at least one journal to solve life problems.

I know that many of you have been waiting for more information on how I journal. These last couple of months I have been having some mental health issues as well as physical health issues. I am happy to say that now I am ready to help you get back on track as well.

Defining your moods for Bipolar Disorder by Bullet Journal

Hi Sketchpoets,

Originally posted in June 2018, Defining your Moods for Bipolar Disorder.
This is a video with a brief introduction to what Bipolar Disorder I is as defined by someone with Bipolar Disorder I. I've been taking medication since 2006 so in my opinion, I think you can trust me to know what I'm talking about.

Here is a video of me talking about how I track my moods in my bullet journal.

I hope you get some piece of mind, from a piece of my mind.

Jess aka Sketchwriterjess

P.S. A couple of weeks have turned into a couple of months since I've posted this video.

3 Parts to Coping With Life Problems. (Involves Sketching)

 3 Parts to Coping With Life Problems. (Involves Sketching)
by Jessica B. Hensley

Hi Sketchies,

Welcome to another post about coping with life problems. You’ve got problems, I’ve got problems...Who doesn’t?

Here’s a way to cope, its a three part method I use:

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