
About the about me page Jessica B. Hensley aka Sketchwriterjess

Hello everyone,

I've just updated my about page with a third person essay I've written about myself.

I mention that I did this because...

Holiday Thoughts 2016: The miracle of correct handedness, crafting, and writing.

Christmas and Hanukkah in Florida: It's kind of like Left-Handedness

Christmas Art

The weather is changing a little here where I live...

I'm thinking that this year the Holidays will be different. More happy, more joyful, especially
since through the miracle of knitting and crocheting I found out I was truly left handed, instead of
right handed.

I spent my whole life feeling frustrated...

Thanksgiving Thoughts: All Lives Matter. Trump?

Thanksgiving is as American as it gets.
Grandma said: Those days were sure better then these days. Democrats say it too.

During Thanksgiving I had a sore throat and stuffy nose, plus my Aunt Flo decided to visit Redbank as people say in New Jersey, which means, I got my period. I felt like spending the day in bed away from my family. However, life matters, all lives matter. I thought it best to celebrate with my family instead.

One topic came up this last Thanksgiving among family and friends; Trump is president elect: What will the future of America be?

Letterboxing: Insanity, Sweat, and Satisfaction

This is a feature article on Letterboxing which is enjoyed by a community on a website called Atlas Quest. 

Treasure, this author's 2 cents.

I have emailed the Main administrator of this site and let this person know I will be sharing this site online on my blog. Read on to find out more about this very unique website and activity, Letterboxing.

Treasure can be in the palm of your hand no matter where you are in the world: This answer may surprise you.

Imagine you’ve spent hours online...

Comfort Bound Cay

Comfort Bound Cay

a poem by


If people spent time
Doing something constructive, joyful, and satisfying
  Instead of destructive...
 How would the world be?

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