
Why I Went Broke While I Was Making Money, Happy Holidays President Trump (Inspirational Infographic Included)

Why I Went Broke While I Was Making Money, Happy Holidays President Trump (An Inspirational Infographic Included),

Dear President Trump,

Money is on Everyone’s mind these days, those on disability due to Mental Illness even more so.

As a Bipolar Disorder I survivor, I can attest to how creating coping skills, both healthy and unhealthy, helped me understand why I’m in a vicious cycle of being blocked when it comes to dealing with life.

Any same person can tell you to “Suck it up, deal with it!”

However, as someone who has been through her own special Hell, I can tell you with accuracy that you can’t “make a deal” with illness.

So many niches, so little time.

So many niches, so little time by Jessica B. Hensley Author of the Sketchwriterjess Blog and Owner of the Shop JBHensleySWJ.

If you are a serial blogger like I am, then you’ve noticed a trend in the last couple of years, the trend of finding yours...your niche, your passions, your desires, all to make a business from the essence of your core being.

So, I’ve had a couple of blogs with different names, this blog is my best attempt to make a business from what I know.

Its also my best effort to earn a living from something I like to do.

I like to draw. I like to make jewelry. I thought, hey combine them together and see what happens.

Well, its cool. I like what I’ve come up with so far. However, I also like to write poetry too.

I have a few on this blog, one even has a book that is being published again next year after some reworking on the graphics so it prints more clear.

Plus I’m designing the font for it too.

I sketch, write, and sometimes combine both because sometimes I can’t make up the weirdness of life, though many times I want to dream, I want to imagine, that my life isn’t full of weirdness and icky moments, and feelings of downright a Gen Xr it’s unheard of. Millenials do that, Gen Xrs suck it up, pull themselves up by their boot straps, get stuff done...blah...blah...blah...Oh brother where are thou when I need to just take a break and relax and do all.

Like sit and stare at the wall

And pretend I will fall

At the mall

and some skateboarder will rescue me

like it’s 1986 somewhere in New Jersey.

Does this make sense.

No? It shouldn’t make sense, if it does, then you are just as strange as me.

An easy way to laminate paper charms for jewelry. Charmed BE bracelet series.

If you would like to see how the Charmed BE elastic bracelet band is made, read this:

Why Your Elastic Bracelet Breaks and How to Prevent it from Happening Again

If you would like to see how the bookmark portion of the Charmed BE bracelet is made, then read this:

Why Now is the Best Time to Make a Bookmark Bracelet...Now Where Did I Put That Bookmark?

If you've already read those, or you just want to view how the charm is made, then keep reading...

I decided since I had to make some tough decisions recently, I thought it best to have something here for you, a sketch showing my process for the charm. I'm adding more pictures today if you have already viewed this article. There will not be a graphic for this piece, just pictures and some words about how I feel about this project.

Here is an explanation and pictures of how the charms for the Charmed BE bracelet are made.

All right, I know it's not easy to see in this sketch, however, I will explain how the lamination process works with simple plastic packing tape and paper colored with colored pencil mediums.

Why now is the best time to make a bookmark bracelet...Now where did I put that bookmark?

Why now is the best time to make a bookmark bracelet...Now where did I put that bookmark?

by Jessica B. Hensley author of the Sketchwriterjess Blog and owner of the JBHensleySWJ shop.

If you haven't seen the first part of this series on how to make a Bookmark Bracelet, please read this post first to see how to make the bracelet. Why Your Elastic Bracelet Breaks and How to Prevent it From Happening Again

If you already have a bracelet ready made with a ring to allow charms to hang from, then read on. : ).

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