
"Tell Me More" Love Tarot Reading for Twin Flame Feminine

Tell Me More: A Love Tarot Reading for the Twin Flame Journey

Decks used for this spread: The Cosmic Tarot and Notes from the Universe Oracle Cards.

Tarot Spread: This spread uses 11 cards, 3 cards on the right for past, present, and future for what type of men she wants, 3 cards on the left for past, present, and future about how she deals in relationships. And 3 cards on top about the decisions she’ll face when preparing to be in the Twin Flame relationship. The last 2 cards in the middle column are Oracle Cards and help bring an answer to get to the place needed to make her Twin Flame relationship better.

For what type of man she wants: With the Eight of Pentacles reversed, the Nine of Cups, and the Ace of Pentacles, key phrases are exhaustion, demanding requirements, success, contentment with winning, perfect, and contentment.

The Mirror Moment in Union: A Twin Flame Tarot Reading

Hi Everyone,

I’ve made a spread of eleven cards, as 11:11 is the symbol for Twin Flames. One couple is covered in each Twin Flame Spread that I do. There is a masculine part on the right side, a feminine part on the left side and the theme is in the middle from top to bottom represented by the card on the bottom of the deck and the oracle cards. The terms masculine and feminine are used at the beginning to establish that this relationship can be same sex or opposite sex, then man and woman are used for ease of writing and reading. This blog post contains a whole reading just like I offer in my shop. Also I call on Angel Uriel and my guides Mombasa, Chuck, and Cal to do the reading. This work is fictional and is intended for entertainment only. Here it is...

For the Masculine: With the Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Cups Reversed, and The Sun Reversed, key phrases are speedy intelligence, heart of gold, gratification, joy, happy relationship, and pleasant feelings.

Knitting, Left-Handedness, and Reading Loveswept Romances

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been knitting hats and reading Loveswept Romances from the 1990s. The one I’m reading now is Breakfast in Bed by Sandra Brown. Originally written in 1983, this book stands the test of time. I’ve only got about 20 pages left. In the next Mental Health Check-in on my channel, Jess Hensley Sketchwriterjess, I will tell you how good or disappointing it is, but so far its given me plenty of chills in a good way.

A Single Tear: A Twin Flame Tarot Reading (Film and Notes Included)

Hi Everyone,

Will the masculine find acceptance and self love? Will the feminine be able to commit to him? Read on to find out what happens with when this couple joins together in Union.

I’ve made a spread of eleven cards, as 11:11 is the symbol for Twin Flames. One couple is covered in each Twin Flame Spread that I do. There is a masculine part on the right side, a feminine part on the left side and the theme is in the middle from top to bottom represented by the card on the bottom of the deck and the oracle cards. The terms masculine and feminine are used at the beginning to establish that this relationship can be same sex or opposite sex, then man and woman are used for ease of writing and reading. This blog post contains a whole reading just like I offer in my shop. Also I call on Angel Uriel and my guides Mombasa, Chuck, and Cal to do the reading. This work is fictional and is intended for entertainment only. Here it is...

For the Masculine: With the Four of Cups, Eight of Cups, and King of Cups reversed, key phrases are self-pity, aversion, leaving emotions behind, timid nature, vice, and scandal.

Detective Work: A Wandering Muse Tarot Reading

Hi everyone,

I’ve used a spread formerly named the Divine Inspiration Tarot Spread; however I felt that sounded to biblical, so I decided to call it the Wandering Muse Spread Instead. Since the original Spread was inspired by creativity, I felt that was the best new name for it.

The spread contains four cards plus one bottom of the deck card and one oracle card. The first row of cards contains a past, present, and future. The other two cards represent the soul path of the person and the theme of their life. The oracle card ties everything together. This spread makes a great character study exercise for writing fiction.

The reading:

With Justice reversed for the past of the character, keywords and phrases are excessive force, and detective.

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